Posted by: winterwitch | September 2, 2009

Hallmark & Baby Loving Mama Giveaway

Hallmark~ Encouraging Moms & Kids (one laugh at a time…) {Review & Giveaway}

September 1, 2009 by Emilie
Filed under Giveaways

Hallmark Logo

When you become a mom you naturally have a special connection with other mothers. You instantly bond knowing another woman  understands the daily challenges of motherhood. This may include sharing virtually everything whether it be your best friend for years or the nice lady with her daughter in the supermarket. You might tell how your baby refuses to sleep through the night or how your toddler has decided it is more fun to be naked (eeek!). She can confide in you how she still hasn’t gotten a shower for two days (can you tell?) and you will celebrate right along with her when you hear her child is finally going poop consistently on the potty. (I’m still waiting for that!)

Hallmark has introduced another great line of humor cards that celebrate the ups and downs of motherhood as only other mothers can truly understand, suitably named “Edge of Motherhood.” They start at only $.99 they are an inexpensive but oh so thoughtful way to support another mother.

mom - 3 hours of sleep

Not to leave our poor kids out, Hallmark has also created a new collection just for them designed to arm parents with a little something extra to boost their confidence.  They are both heartfelt and funny and give parents another way to show their support for every day events like trying out for a team or taking a test. This also start at the low price of $.99 or $2.99 for those with sound.

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